Your Guide to Your First Year Paying Taxes as an Online Seller

This guest post is brought to you by Outright Sign up today, import eBay, Amazon, PayPal and other financial accounts, and enjoy a less taxing tax time! Going from “employee” to “self-employed” can be a huge shock any way you look at it. Suddenly you’re free to set your own hours, but then again the … Continue reading

Spring Cleaning: Dust Off Your Business Plan

What’s the (business) plan, Stan? If you haven’t taken a look at your business plan in a while, it’s horribly out of date. There are a ton of things that need to be changed that would drastically alter the way you do business. Even if you reviewed your business plan last week there may still … Continue reading

Kabbage Ecommerce Tax Calendar

Keeping track of your taxes as an online seller is tough, especially when you have so many dates to worry about. Between paying your quarterly taxes, filling out your mid-April forms, and worrying about extension, it’s easy to become confused. Check out our handy tax calendar to see when your next payment comes up. April … Continue reading

Common Tax Deductions for Online Sellers

Every year online sellers try to find every deduction they can get on their taxes. These deductions often make the difference between a large refund and a small refund, or even a refund and paying more taxes! There are quite a few deductions, which is usually a good thing. However, this may actually lead to … Continue reading

What to Expect Post Holiday

We’re officially in the home stretch, and hopefully everything has been smooth sailing for you this season! Once in a while it’s good to sit back and take account of all the good things we have in life, including the field we work in. Seriously, would you have it any other way? The one time … Continue reading

How Kabbage is Helping Me to Grow My eBay business

I was fortunate enough to hear about Kabbage in early 2010, just when they were just getting ready to launch. I’d been selling on eBay since 2003, and had been experiencing a steady growth in business every year. But over the past couple of years, business had really started to boom and I found myself … Continue reading

Featured Outright Partner

It’s the time of the year where things get busy – why spend your time tracking your online business finances by hand?  Kabbage has discovered a great free tool for eBay and Amazon sellers called Outright that let’s you easily see how your business is doing. Outright downloads and organizes all of your small business … Continue reading

Holiday Shopping and Buying Online

By Danna Crawford The weather outside is frightful but selling and shopping online is delightful! I love this time of year as both a buyer and seller. As a buyer, the online deals are amazing and as a seller the sales are amazing. Tips for online sellers: Running sales is very important because everyone is … Continue reading

Moving Tips for Ebay Businesses

If you own an eBay business, it’s likely that you move product—as in real, tangible goods—on a daily or weekly basis. If you operate your eBay business out of your home and are in the process of moving, this can create a bit of a challenge if you don’t organize the move properly. Here are … Continue reading

What a Little Kabbage can do for the Kommon Seller

Today’s blog post is brought to you by Danni Ackerman, author, speaker, and expert ecommerce seller for over 13 years! It was June 2010, I was attending the eBay Radio Party in Las Vegas, NV and they had these people set up at a table and a banner that said Kabbage  on it…hmmmmm.  They were nice people, … Continue reading