Bruce, Rhonda and The Update [The Kabbage Chronicles]

Wow, we have we been out of touch for awhile.  I have been teaching dance and really enjoying it. I teach Ballet, Hip Hop, and Ballroom.  I am happy to say that I have lost almost 15 pounds and got an offer to go back to school. Since Bruce teaches at the college, tuition coverage … Continue reading

Bruce, Rhonda and Work Life Balance… Back in Whack! [The Kabbage Chronicles, Day 31]

Recently, Bruce and Rhonda’s eBay business, Second Bargains, has really taken off. Unfortunately, that meant that “work” got the long end of the stick when it came to Bruce and Rhonda’s work life balance, while the house grew cluttered and the kids’ grades suffered. But now Rhonda is getting everybody back on track… First I … Continue reading

Bruce, Rhonda and Work Life Balance Out of Whack [The Kabbage Chronicles, Day 30]

Wow, I have not written in a few weeks. The reason that I have not written a blog in almost a month is because life got really crazy. We started getting the new inventory and keeping the checks and balances there. We finally began to see some true turn around in the process. Bigger purchases … Continue reading

Bruce and Rhonda, Loading Dock Heroes [The Kabbage Chronicles, Day 29]

Note from Kabbage: When last we left Bruce and Rhonda, they’d successfully bid on several lots from a major retail distributor and were planning to resell them. That is… if things would stop going wrong long enough for them to actually pick up the inventory! Off we went in the borrowed suburban to the major … Continue reading

Bruce, Rhonda and Murphy’s Law [The Kabbage Chronicles, Day 28]

Wow, what a day! Today we picked up the lots we won from the huge retail distribution center. Doesn’t that sound easy? Just go and pick the stuff up, right? WRONG! What an ordeal! Here is how it happened and it will take two blogs to tell it all! Last Thursday we were informed that … Continue reading

Ding, Ding, Ding! Bruce and Rhonda and the Fabulous New Inventory [The Kabbage Chronicles, Day 27]

Note from Kabbage: If you haven’t been following along or  missed a few days, Bruce and Rhonda have found a fantastic opportunity to bid on overstock from a major U.S. retailer. Well, it looks like we have won three of the lots. Chuck called to inform us that we were the high bidder on three. … Continue reading

Bruce and Rhonda and the Renewed Kabbage Advance [The Kabbage Chronicles, Day 26]

After speaking to Kathryn Petralia at Kabbage we have decided to utilize more of the credit line they offered. Kathryn emailed us that “Kabbage can advance based on your existing sales volume (and our sales volume was fantastic!) and more as you grow. We are willing to increase access to the initial line.” That meant … Continue reading

A Day in the Life of an ECommerce Mom [The Kabbage Chronicles Day 25]

Well, with Bruce and all the kids but Sarene back in school, I alone run the eBay store. Bruce does help, when he gets home, with things like packing to ship and listing one or two things.  But I also no longer have the boys to give me a hand.   I have been asked … Continue reading

Bruce and Rhonda and the Disheartening Setback [The Kabbage Chronicles, Day 24]

Today we lost our Power Seller status on Ebay. I am so sad and frustrated.  We are good, fair, honest, sellers. I feel like we are being punished.  We pay our fees on time. We have provided over a thousand excellent transactions in our time with eBay this year alone. To lose our Power Seller … Continue reading

Success! Bruce, Rhonda and the Major Retailer [The Kabbage Chronicles, Day 23]

Approved!! We got an email from Chuck this afternoon stating that we are official bidders!! We were surprised that it happened so fast. We got our login and have been looking over the lots to bid on. Boy, is it a lot of stuff. Most of it is way too much like 13,000 items in … Continue reading